Why Ness and Lucas are in Smash



Lucas Ness (@lucas__ness) • Instagram photos and videos

A fantastic character, a good defender and someone that's come through the ranks. We're very proud of him and very proud to secure him for another year.

Lucas Ness - Player profile 2425

Lucas Benjamin Ness, date of birth/age: Feb 7, 2002 (22), citizenship: England England, position: Defender - Centre-Back, current club: Notts County Notts ...

Lucas Ness

Lucas Benjamin Ness (born 7 February 2002) is an English professional footballer who plays as a defender for EFL League Two club Notts County.

Lucas Ness 《EA SPORTS FC™ 25》 球員評分

Lucas Ness 是一名來自英格蘭的職業足球員,在諾士郡隊擔任中後衛(CB)。Lucas Ness 的整體評分為63。

Lucas | EarthBound Wiki

Lucas is a young boy who lives with his family in Tazmily Village. He is one out of the seven playable characters in total. Claus · Hinawa · Flint · PK Love

Ness (EarthBound)

Ness is depicted as a thirteen-year-old [i] boy residing in the fictional town of Onett in Eagleland who has psychic abilities referred to as PSI.

Ness x Lucas

Jul 21, 2020 - Explore Ella Stinson's board Ness x Lucas on Pinterest. See more ideas about mother games, lucas, ness.

Nesscas | Shipping Wiki

Nesscas is the slash ship between Ness and Lucas from the EarthBound and Super Smash Bros. fandom. Ness and Lucas never interact with each other within ...

NessLucas differences : rsmashbros

Ness has better moves on average, Lucas has some nutty moves and some awful moves. Ness has better kill combos because his grab is fast and PK ...


雖然招式跟耐斯(Ness)相似但是差易很大,. 盧卡斯(Lucas)近距離招式、對抗飛行道具、遠距離招式都有的角色,. 最大的優點是 ...


Afantasticcharacter,agooddefenderandsomeonethat'scomethroughtheranks.We'reveryproudofhimandveryproudtosecurehimforanotheryear.,LucasBenjaminNess,dateofbirth/age:Feb7,2002(22),citizenship:EnglandEngland,position:Defender-Centre-Back,currentclub:NottsCountyNotts ...,LucasBenjaminNess(born7February2002)isanEnglishprofessionalfootballerwhoplaysasadefenderforEFLLeagueTwoclubNottsCounty.,LucasNess是...